Course Description

Welcome to your mini baby massage course. This mini course goes through the very basics of baby massage while giving you all the important information and a few favourite selected strokes to get you bonding and connecting with your baby. You can massage your baby as early as today!

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the benefits of baby massage

  • Preparing your set up for baby massage

  • When to massage your baby

  • Safely massage baby to promote relaxation and connection

Who is the course for?

  • Nannies
  • Parents and Carers

Meet Course Facilitator

Josette Sticher

Josette Sticher is a previous children's nurse at Birmingham Children's hospital having worked on the neonatal cardiac unit for 6 years. She now lives in Germany where she used her experience of pregnancy, birth and raising a family in Germany alone to build her business Urban Birth Plus, specialising in touch for babies aka baby massage. In total Josette has 20 years experience working with babies. Since starting her business it has grown to support and provide a CPD course for other certified baby massage instructors worldwide to become culturally aware within their practices. Josette will guide you through the important aspects of baby massage while informing you on all things touch and relaxation. Join Josette on a calming mini journey exploring how touch is so beneficial for your baby.

Only £14.99