“Weaning Course : It was a great course. I learned a lot, Kelly was really clear. What I liked the most is that I could watch the lessons at my own pace. Nice to have a certificate as well. Highly recommended!”


“Weaning course: I got this just before we started the weaning journey with our son, as a Nanny I had experiences with various weaning styles however my partner was completely new to it all so thought the course would be great as a refresher for me and he could tag along too. It really helped ease his worries over “big foods” as he was so against baby-led weaning and taught us both tips and tricks to encourage our son to become an independent eater. Easy course to follow, short and sweet. ”


“Neurodiversity Course: I love that you can stop and start the videos at any point to write notes. The information did not feel too heavy and was just the right amount, so you didn't feel overloaded. I enjoyed learning about the different types of ways that neurodivergent children react to different things and why, it was explained very simply and effectively. I also love that the experts give you some toolkits on how to understand and react to neurodivergent children especially when they are experiencing sensory overload. I defo will recommend this course to anyone who has an interest in neurodiversity as it is a great way to be introduced to the topic. Looking forward to doing other courses with NB!”


“Toilet Training Course: This is a great course for a parent or care provider to complete, with step by step day instructions of what to do and useful what not to do when helping a child develop the vital skill of toilet training. With lots of really useful tips and information your child would be on the toilet in no time! I’m a nanny and found this course helpful to provide the parents with more information of when and what foods are best to help the child use the toilet. ”


“Neurodiversity course: Incredibly useful as a baseline understanding of autism and neurodevelopmental disorders and would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to further understand or work with autistic children. very accessible to so easy to engage and complete”


“How to get the best from a nanny agency course: I have been using nanny agencies in Europe for the last 15 years now and I agree with Helen about the work a nanny needs to put in to register with an agency and if the agency does not follow the same guidelines and care I will not use it. Passion and respect go both ways. Thank you for this course.”


“How to write the perfect CV course: Thank you for this course. I will use this information to redo my CV because right now it is too long and I have been thinking about changing it for a while.”


“I chose to do this course to help give me tips on how to support the speech and language development of the children I nanny for. Each section was very clear and explained thoroughly. The short quiz at the end meant that I was able to use the knowledge I’d just learnt!”


“Speech and Development course: A super, informative course. I took the introduction to speech and language development from nanny bright and it was such a useful and helpful course. I highly recommend it for anyone who works with children and parents. I will soon attend another one as they have so many topics to choose from. ”


“How to write the perfect CV - I found this course very useful and helpful and since then I have adjusted my CV following Helen's advice. It looks more professional now! :) ”