Course Description

This is a short course for Childcare professionals and parents interested in extending their learning into the world of Loose Parts Play. This popular type of play, a form of sensory play, supports development on many levels whilst captivating young minds and little hands.

Sneak peek at our awesome lesson!

We have broken our course into bite size modules, so you can watch at a pace that suits you.

  • Module 1 – What is Loose Parts Play and why is it so popular? Understanding Loose Parts Play and the benefit of non-outcome focused activity in childhood.

  • Module 2 – Loose Parts Play, sensory play and child development 0-3 Discover how Loose Parts Play enhances sensory processing, physical and cognitive development, whilst supporting the growth of young brains.

  • Module 3 – Practical ideas for LLP and Safe application Consider Small and Large Loose Part Play resources and how to ensure they are safely utilised.

  • Module 4 - The Role of the Adult in Loose Parts Play Understand the importance of providing play environments and facilitating loose parts play.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand Loose Parts Play and some key benefits of this type of play on development ages 0-3

  • Learn practical ways to use Loose Parts Play in your setting or home environment

  • Discover the role of the adult in Loose Parts Play

  • Ensure the safe application for Loose Parts Play

Who The Course Is For

  • nannies, childminders, childcare practitioners
  • those in the parent and toddler wellbeing sector
  • parents interested in learning more about Loose Parts Play. 

Meet Course Facilitator

Carly Budd

Carly Budd is a Specialist Paediatric Occupational Therapist and registered Health Professional with over 18 years of experience working with babies and children, in the NHS and independent practice. She is the founder of the Carly Budd Developmental Play Academy® - an online training platform providing professionals further education and CPD opportunities on the importance of movement and play for child development, and the impact on neurodevelopment with lifelong impact.