How to Wean Babies onto Solid Foods

Course Description

Are you confused by all of the advice around weaning? Not sure about how and when to introduce allergens, whether finger foods are safe, and so on...? You are not alone! In this course, 'How to wean babies onto solid foods', you will be fully equipped to successfully introduce solid foods to babies. There is myth-busting, evidence-based advice and clarity on current UK nutrition guidelines for babies. The course even includes a 10-day sample weaning plan to help you get started. Happy weaning!

Sneak peek at our awesome lesson!

We have broken our course into bite size modules so you can watch at a pace that suits you.

  • Module 1: When to begin weaning, Importance of self-feeding, When is a baby ready

  • Module 2: Safe Mealtimes, Weaning goals, ‘Big food’ benefits

  • Module 3: Introducing allergens, 10 day meal plan, Introducing cup drinking, Supplements

Learning Outcomes

  • Recognizing Readiness

    You will be able to confidently identify the signs of readiness in your child for weaning, ensuring that you introduce solid foods at the right time and get off to a great start for your weaning journey.

  • Confidence

    You will understand the science and evidence behind enabling baby to self-feed, building confidence in offering solid foods to your child for the first time.

  • Effective Preparation

    You will understand and assemble a mealtime environment that is conducive to keeping baby safe whilst eating. You will have the knowledge around safe and appropriate foods that can be offered to baby from the start of their weaning journey.

  • Knowledge and clarity

    You will possess the knowledge and strategies to ensure baby's nutritional needs are being met in the best way possible, both now and in the future. You will be up to date with the latest advice, disregarding old advice in favour of the latest evidence around weaning babies.

Who The Course Is For

  • Parents and caregivers of infants preparing to start the weaning process.

  • New parents looking for guidance on introducing solid foods to their baby.

  • Anyone interested in fostering healthy eating habits and nutrition in infants.

Meet Course Facilitator

Kelly Light

Kelly is a Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr) specialising in baby & toddler nutrition and feeding. She uses an evidence-based approach to help parents and caregivers navigate the world of weaning and feeding their children. In this video, Kelly aims to provide caregivers with the knowledge, tips and confidence they need to introduce babies to solid foods in the best possible way, whilst also myth-busting some common misconceptions about weaning!